Core Team

Neelam Jaiswal

Lead Co-Coordinator

Neelam Jaiswal has a PhD in Pharmacology/ Medicinal Chemistry and worked as a Senior Scientist for Procter & Gamble, one of the world’s largest consumer product company for 15+ years.  She also has MBA degree with special training in business management including developing corporate strategy, international business, project management and planning.

From last several years Neelam is involved in VHPA activities.  Currently, Neelam is National Coordinator for fundraising event for Support A Child (SAC) project and also the editor of VHP-A “SevaPatri” Newsletter. Neelam is also actively involved in mentoring others.  

Core Team Members

Chapter Team Member Name
Atlanta Veena Katadare
Smita Daftardar
Boston Jaya Asthana
Maha Pula
Chicago Yash Desai
Cincinnati Shobha Patel
Renu Gupta
Chapter Team Member Name
South Florida Vijaya Tripathi
Irvine Sheela Kene
Shobhna Vora
Nayan Patel
Staten Island Toral Mehta
Shubha Gupta
Kalpita Abhyankar

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